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A rigorous scene study class for early-career actors looking to elevate their craft to the next level, as well as established actors looking to re-energise and provoke their practice.


We begin with a fundamental question: What is the story, and how can I fulfil the prophecy of the writing? From this starting point, we’ll embark on a structured and exploratory journey to breathe life into characters and deliver compelling performances.

















  • Dramaturgy and Story: Understanding narrative structure and thematic intention.

  • Script Analysis: Unlocking the layers of meaning and subtext.

  • Given Circumstances and Research: Turning contextual details into creative opportunities.

  • Objectives, Actions, and Obstacles: Driving the scene with purpose and intention.

  • The Body as a Site of Storytelling: Embodying character through movement and physicality.

  • Costume and Props: Using physical elements to enhance storytelling.

  • Detailed Character Creation: Building nuanced, physically and vocally distinct characters.

  • The Pleasure to Play: Embracing curiosity, spontaneity, and joy in performance.

  • Bold and Dynamic Choices: Taking risks to deliver impactful work.




By the end of this course, you will:

  • Confidently break down and analyse scripts independently.

  • Develop a personal process for building scenes and characters.

  • Expand your “toolkit” with a variety of techniques to draw upon.

  • Enhance your range, flexibility, and dynamism as a performer.

  • Seamlessly integrate preparation with the ability to remain present, open, and playful in the moment.


Each participant will be assigned a thoughtfully selected scene to rehearse and develop over the eight weeks. Rehearsal with your scene partner outside of class may occasionally be required to deepen your work.




Duration: 7 weeks (January 26 – March 16)*

Location: Seaview Street Hall, Dulwich Hill, Sydney

Time: Sundays, 1 – 5 PM

Cost: $580

* There will be no class March 2nd



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​M:​ 0416505457

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